
イベント お知らせ

Tania-san has returned to Indonesia.

We had a great time together before she left Chiba.
D2 タニアさんがインドネシアにもどられました。

Please be safe on your way home.

Let’s continue our research together.
We look forward to seeing you again.


You WU (D3):
As Tania  San went back to her home country after her time as a double degree student, we are filled with a mix of emotions. Her presence has been a source of joy and inspiration to everyone she encountered. From the lively discussions in the classroom to the memorable group outings, Tania’s kindness, warmth, and dedication have left an indelible mark on our hearts. We fondly recall the laughter shared, the late-night study sessions, and the deep conversations that brought us closer together. Her enthusiasm for learning and her open-hearted nature have enriched our community in countless ways. While she will be greatly missed, we are excited for the new adventures and opportunities that await her back home. As we bid farewell to Tania San, we do so with gratitude for the wonderful memories created and the bonds formed that will always be cherished.

タニア・セプティ・アングライニ | メンバー | 入江研究室(地球大気環境研究室) (

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